Community Action Programs & Services
Here are some of the programs and services offered by Community Action Agencies (CAAs) to help individuals and families gain economic security, get healthy, and contribute to their communities.

Asset Development & Financial Literacy
Asset Development and financial literacy promote and strengthen individual and/or family economic security, providing them with the opportunity to contribute to the economy.
Services include learning about banking and budgeting, saving money, and building assets through car loans or a home mortgage, financial counseling, establishing Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), and receiving assistance filing taxes through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA).

Children & Teens
Community Action Agencies offer high quality programs and services for children and teens that help them reach their full potential, while also giving parents an opportunity to work with the assurance that their children are in a safe, supportive environment.
Programs include Child Day Care & School Readiness, Head Start, Infant-toddler & Early Head Start, Specialized Care & Education, and after school and summer programs for children and teenagers.

Employment & Training
Community Action Agencies work with youth and adults to help them gain and maintain employment by offering career development, counseling, and job training services and programs like YouthBuild, targeted workshops, and one-on-one assistance.

Energy & Weatherization
All Community Action Agencies help eligible individuals and families with their home energy and heating bills through the CT Energy Assistance Program, or CEAP.
Some also provide the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) to help make homes more energy efficient. Both of these programs help ensure that everyone is able to stay safe and warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Housing & Shelter
We all deserve a place to call home. Community Action works to address homelessness and help people find safe and affordable housing through supportive housing programs and services like Section 8, emergency shelters, helping current homeowners improve their properties, and more.

People shouldn’t have to choose between paying their bills or putting food on the table for themselves and their families.
Community Action Agencies fight hunger and help residents stay healthy by providing programs and services like food pantries, the Woman, Infants, & Children program (WIC), Meals on Wheels, Summer Meals, and outreach for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as Food Stamps).

Older Adults
Community Action provides Connecticut residents ages 60 and up opportunities to remain active, healthy, and independent in several ways.
Older adults can benefit from programs and services like the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Meals on Wheels, other nutrition programs, access to health care, and general support services.

Strengthening Families
Every Community Action Agency offers holistic, customer-focused multi-generational case management services to help people become economically stable and reach their full potential.
Anyone can enter a CAA for any reason and get connected to programs, services, and resources to help meet their short and long-term needs like food, shelter, heating assistance, child care, housing, employment, and more.